Half-Day Preschool in North Raleigh, NC
Classes & Specials
Our daily activities provide a variety of experiences to help children develop to their highest potential.
Daily Activities
Interactive Bible story time is part of each day as we seek to bring Old and New Testament stories to life and students learn weekly memory verses. Prayer is integral to our day and incorporated in many ways. We use the Purposeful Design Bible curriculum.
Throughout the week, children participate in small group arts and crafts, dramatic play, language and literacy, problem-solving puzzles, blocks and building, manipulatives, math concepts, science and discovery, and fine-motor development.
Circle Time
Children are introduced to the theme for the week, actively participate in group socialization, and develop listening and verbal skills and social awareness.
Free play on our age specific playgrounds or indoor gym in case of inclement weather is a highlight of the day for many children.
Parent-provided (peanut-free) snacks and lunch are eaten in the classroom enabling children to practice social and verbal skills and table manners.
Weekly Activities
Stories and Scripture about beloved Bible heroes, Jesus and His life, and God's love are shared with children in our Two Year Olds through Transitional Kindergarten classes. The children go to the Chapel for these services which are typically led by Bay Leaf Baptist Church pastors or Little Lambs staff.
Through the use of movement, songs, and instruments children develop imagination, gross and fine motor skills, memory, hearing, and sight. All ages attend music class and Two Year Olds through Transitional Kindergarten classes participate in Christmas and Easter musical performances.