Serving at Bay Leaf
Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve.
We grow in Christlikeness as we use our gifts to serve one another in the church.
Serving Q&A
Each ministry page throughout the website has a way to sign up to volunteer for that ministry.
If you are looking to serve during weekend worship in a non-teaching role (greeter, parking, usher, sound, A/V, livestream) click the button at the bottom of this page!
Events: One time opportunities to serve the community and the church.
Weekend Worship: Greeting, Parking, Ushers, Security, Sound, A/V, livestream (ongoing)
Ministry Teams: Baptism, Communion, Hospitality, Bereavement, Care (ongoing)
Teaching opportunities are limited and require vetting by a pastor. Most other opportunities from one-time events to monthly roles require: Membership, faithfulness and availability!
People can join a team at any time throughout the year, but the the primary onboarding season is during the late summer and early fall. Ministry Team leaders request a 1-year commitment.
Serving at Bay Leaf
Learn more about upcoming events and ongoing opportunities to serve the congregation through weekend worship and ministry teams.