February 23, 2025
Romans 4:16-25
Faith in God
Prepare to worship with us on Sunday by reading the scripture references and listening to the songs. We look forward to worshiping together with you!
You've Already Won
There's peace that outlasts darkness
Hope that's in the blood
There's future grace that's mine today
That Jesus Christ has won
So I can face tomorrow
For tomorrow's in Your hands
All I need You will provide
Just like You always have
I'm fighting a battle
You've already won
No matter what comes my way
I will overcome
I don't know what You're doing
But I know what You've done
I'm fighting a battle
You've already won
There's mercy in the waiting
Manna for today
And when it's gone I know you're not
You are my hope and stay
When the sea is raging
Your Spirit is my help
He'll fix my eyes on Jesus Christ
And I'll say that is well
Oh I know that it is wel
lI'm fighting a battle
You've already won
No matter what comes my way
I will overcome
I don't know what You're doing
But I know what You've done (thank you God)
I'm fighting a battle
You've already won
I know how the story ends
We will be with You again
You're my Savior my defense
No more fear in life or death
I know how this story ends
I'm fighting a battle
You've already won
No matter what comes my way
I will overcome
I don't know what You're doing
But I know what You've done (thank you God)
I'm fighting a battle
You've already won
I'm fighting a battle
You've already won
All Creatures of Our God and King
All creatures of our God and King
Lift, up your voice and with us sing
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou, burning sun with golden beam
Thou, silver moon with softer gleam
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Let all things their Creator bless
And worship Him in humbleness
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son
And praise the Spirit, three-in-one
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
All the redeemed, washed by His blood
Come and rejoice in His great love
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Christ has defeated every sin
Cast all your burdens now on Him
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
He shall return in power to reign
Heaven and earth will join to say
"O praise Him! Alleluia!"
Then who shall fall on bended knee?
All creatures of our God and King
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
My Soul Will Wait (Psalm 62)
When the enemy surrounds
And my heart grows faint within
When the darkness overwhelms
And my fears are pressing inI will trust in You, oh, Lord
In the silence I will wait
I will stand upon Your word
You're my solid rock
And my salvation
My steadfast hope
That won't be shaken
My soul will wait
My soul will wait for You
You're my stronghold and my shield
In the midst of every threat
Though the wicked never yield
They will vanish like a breathYes, I know the outcome's sure
Satan's evil plans will fail
In Your power I'm secure
You're my solid rock
And my salvation
My steadfast hope
That won't be shaken
My soul will wait
My soul will wait for You
You're my comfort
When I feel forsaken
My refuge and
My sure foundation
My soul will wait
My soul will wait for You
This is love, I can't explain
This is mercy unreserved
Through Your sacrifice so great
I have peace that's undeserved
For the battle has been won
And I fear no shame or loss
Now the sting of death is gone
You're my solid rock
And my salvation
My steadfast hope
That won't be shaken
My soul will wait
My soul will wait for You
You're my comfort
When I feel forsaken
My refuge and
My sure foundation
My soul will wait
My soul will wait for You
Pouring out our hearts before You
We will trust in You
Perfect Savior, strong defender
We will trust in You
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
O God my Father
There is no shadow
Of turning with Thee
Thou changest not
Thy compassions they fail not
As Thou hast been
Thou forever will be
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning
New mercies I see
And all I have needed
Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness
Lord unto me
Summer and winter
And springtime and harvest
Sun moon and stars
In their courses above
Join with all nature
In manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness
Mercy and love
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning
New mercies I see
And all I have needed
Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness
Lord unto me
Pardon for sin
And a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence
To cheer and to guide
Strength for today
And bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine
With ten thousand beside
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning
New mercies I see
And all I have needed
Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness
Lord unto me