January 19, 2025
Romans 1:18-32
Good News for Desperate People
Join us this Sunday as we encounter God's holiness, mankind's desperate state, and the good news of the gospel of Jesus. Prepare your heart for this time together by reading the scripture reference, listening to the songs, and praying for God to work in your heart and mind.
Holy Holy Holy
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!
Holy, holy, holy! all the saints adore thee,
Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea.
All of heaven worships, falling down before thee,
Who was and is and evermore will be.
Holy, Holy, Holy! though the darkness hide thee,
Though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see,
Only thou art holy; there is none beside thee,
Perfect in power, in love, and purity.
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All thy works shall praise thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea;
Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessed Trinity.
Hallelujah, What a Savior with My Savior's Love
Man of sorrows, what a name
For the Son of God who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim:
Hallelujah, what a Savior!
Bearing shame and scoffing rude,
In my place condemned he stood,
Sealed my pardon with his blood:
Hallelujah, what a Savior!
Guilty, vile, and helpless we;
Spotless Lamb of God was he,
Full atonement! can it be?:
Hallelujah, what a Savior!
He was lifted up to die;
"It is finished" was his cry;
Now in heaven exalted high:
Hallelujah, what a Savior!
When he comes, our glorious King,
All his ransomed home to bring,
Then anew this song we'll sing:
Hallelujah, what a Savior!
How marvelous, how wonderful,
And my song shall ever be,
How marvelous, how wonderful
Is my savior's love for me
All I Have is Christ
Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
Hallelujah! Jesus is my life
I once was lost in darkest night
Yet thought I knew the way
The sin that promised joy and life
Had led me to the grave
I had no hope that You would own
A rebel to Your will
And if You had not loved me first
I would refuse You still
But as I ran my hell-bound race
Indifferent to the cost
You looked upon my helpless state
And led me to the cross
And I beheld God's love displayed
You suffered in my place
You bore the wrath reserved for me
Now all I know is grace
Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
Hallelujah! Jesus is my life
Now, Lord, I would be Yours alone
And live so all might see
The strength to follow Your commands
Could never come from me
Oh Father, use my ransomed life in any way You choose
Oh Father, use my ransomed life in any way You choose
And let my soul forever be my only boast is you
Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
Hallelujah! Jesus is my life
Lord I Need You
Lord I come, I confess
Bowing here, I find my rest
Without You, I fall apart
You're the one that guides my heart
Lord, I need You, oh, I need You
Every hour, I need You
My one defense, my righteousness
Oh God, how I need You
Where sin runs deep, Your grace is more
Where grace is found is where You are
And where You are, Lord, I am free
Holiness is Christ in me
Lord, I need You, oh, I need You
Every hour, I need You
My one defense, my righteousness
Oh God, how I need You
So teach my song to rise to You
When temptation comes my way
And when I cannot stand, I'll fall on You
Jesus, You're my hope and stay
Lord, I need You, oh, I need You
Every hour, I need You
My one defense, my righteousness
Oh God, how I need You